Social Ministry extends Christian compassion and helpfulness
to those needing care within the church and the community:
to those needing care within the church and the community:
Card Ministry reaches out to our members by way of special Birthday Greeting Cards for each member on their birthdays but cards are also sent out to those grieving or sick in our congregation. The members of the Card Ministry actually make each card and personally write notes in each one which makes them even more meaningful to the recipients.
Prayer Shawl Ministry spends many countless hours making beautiful shawls that, after they are blessed during worship, are given to our members who are ill. These lovely shawls symbolize to those who receive them that they are wrapped in our prayers of love and healing.
Reception/Meals Outreach Teams create meaningful receptions and meals for our families during times of grief and celebration.
Shut-Ins Ministry is lead by the Social Ministry Committee as well. We make special visits to each of our shut-ins' homes to make sure that even though they may not be able to come to Church regularly they are still part of our Church Family.
Volunteers for any of our social ministries are always welcome!