Volunteers are important in the life of the church. We need YOU---veteran members, any age, any or no experience, any amount of time. Please click here if you can assist with any of the following:
Christian Education
Nursery Volunteer: Assist staff caregiver by assisting and nurturing young children during worship services.
Sunday School Teacher: Serves as teacher to a specified groups, formulates lesson plans appropriate to the material provided, serves as a role model to students, promotes curiosity and excitement about Christian education and growth.
Vacation Bible School Assistant: Assists summer VBS programs through planing, supply gathering, and executing.
Supplies Gatherer: Work with Deacon Beka and shop for supplies for VBS, Sunday School, Nursery, and Worship Basket Supplies.
Children's Church Leader: Lead Children's Church during the readings and sermon in weekly worship. Materials are provided.
Church Directory Coordinator: Establishes and maintains an up-to-date pictorial directory of all church members.
Greeter: Greets visitors and members in a proper fashion, learn their names, and make them feel welcome.
Narthex/Foyer Coordinator: Serves as a communication center for the church by providing literature for all age levels in the congregation, spiritual growth and awareness of Lutheranism in action will be fostered.
Photographer/Video/Technical Assistant: Keeps a record of congregation life, helps us to know each other and embrace newcomers, makes it possible for other who could not be present of share in the activities of the church, assist with audio/video during services, website and social media development, and/or assists with church directories.
Special Event Assistant: Works with Chairs to coordinate outreach projects.
Synod Convention Delegate: Represents Holy Comforter in the state on voting on synod resolutions, acclimate the church with important issues facing the church at large and the human community.
Financial Assistant: Assists Chair in benevolence, investments, scholarship funds, memorials, bills, audits, and special needs
Teller: Tabulates and oversees the financial tithing of weekly services.
Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Oversees all financial obligations of the church.
Property Maintenance
Chrismon Decorator: Enhances our Christmas experiences by assisting with decorating the facilities with historical Christian symbolism.
Maintenance Volunteer: Enhances church facilities or grounds.
Social Ministry
Reception/Meals Volunteer: Assists with creating meaningful receptions and meals for our families during times of grief and celebration.
Missionary Volunteer: Serves the Belmont community and those in need.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Volunteer: Creates beautiful shawls that, after they are blessed during worship, are given to our members who are ill, which symbolize to those who receive them that they are wrapped in our prayers of love and healing.
Card Ministry Saintly Stamper: Creates birthday greeting cards for each member of our congregation on their birthdays or in time of need.
Shut-In, Hospital and Nursing Home Visitor: Keeps church members, who are unable to participate in the ongoing life of the church, involved in all church activities and to remind them of our continuing love and support.
Tutor: Helps children in the community within school work.
Archivist: Creates a palpable sense of continuity for commemorations, study and reflection for every family and age group in the church to enjoy.
New Members Class Instructor and Shepherd: Welcomes and orients our new members, prepares new members for our ministries and Lutheranism, and provides assistance.
Special Event/Volunteer Coordinator: Assist Chair with special events and helps coordinates church volunteers, updates contacts and communicates new ministry and program concept to Council.
Worship & Music Ministry
Altar Flowers Volunteer: Provides beauty to enhance worship service.
Altar Guild: Ensures the altars will be ready for church services, our communion will be prepared and our pastor will be assisted during our worship.
Choirmaster Assistant: Assists with organizing musical ministry and clerical needs.
Choir Member & Musician: Enhances worship service with music; expresses our dedication and faith in special services.
Communion Assistant: Allows greater participation by members in the administering of the sacraments; reminds congregation that we all have a sense of communion and oneness as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
Crucifer and Acolyte Coordinator: Enhances worship services and engenders youth participation.
Lector: Reads lessons and makes formal worship service more personal.
Usher: Helps during worships services, enhances worship experience for others and assist new worshipers.
Youth Ministry & Recreation
Celebration/Grief/Fellowship Volunteer: Helps gather the church family together for meals and celebrates and in time of need, as well as, supports special events.
Youth & Recreation Assistant: Helps to nurture our youth in our church to become Christian adults of concern and conscience, support them in spiritual growth and stewardship, and participates in activities.
HCY Dinner Volunteer: Provide dinner for HCY.
Nursery Volunteer: Assist staff caregiver by assisting and nurturing young children during worship services.
Sunday School Teacher: Serves as teacher to a specified groups, formulates lesson plans appropriate to the material provided, serves as a role model to students, promotes curiosity and excitement about Christian education and growth.
Vacation Bible School Assistant: Assists summer VBS programs through planing, supply gathering, and executing.
Supplies Gatherer: Work with Deacon Beka and shop for supplies for VBS, Sunday School, Nursery, and Worship Basket Supplies.
Children's Church Leader: Lead Children's Church during the readings and sermon in weekly worship. Materials are provided.
Church Directory Coordinator: Establishes and maintains an up-to-date pictorial directory of all church members.
Greeter: Greets visitors and members in a proper fashion, learn their names, and make them feel welcome.
Narthex/Foyer Coordinator: Serves as a communication center for the church by providing literature for all age levels in the congregation, spiritual growth and awareness of Lutheranism in action will be fostered.
Photographer/Video/Technical Assistant: Keeps a record of congregation life, helps us to know each other and embrace newcomers, makes it possible for other who could not be present of share in the activities of the church, assist with audio/video during services, website and social media development, and/or assists with church directories.
Special Event Assistant: Works with Chairs to coordinate outreach projects.
Synod Convention Delegate: Represents Holy Comforter in the state on voting on synod resolutions, acclimate the church with important issues facing the church at large and the human community.
Financial Assistant: Assists Chair in benevolence, investments, scholarship funds, memorials, bills, audits, and special needs
Teller: Tabulates and oversees the financial tithing of weekly services.
Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Oversees all financial obligations of the church.
Property Maintenance
Chrismon Decorator: Enhances our Christmas experiences by assisting with decorating the facilities with historical Christian symbolism.
Maintenance Volunteer: Enhances church facilities or grounds.
Social Ministry
Reception/Meals Volunteer: Assists with creating meaningful receptions and meals for our families during times of grief and celebration.
Missionary Volunteer: Serves the Belmont community and those in need.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Volunteer: Creates beautiful shawls that, after they are blessed during worship, are given to our members who are ill, which symbolize to those who receive them that they are wrapped in our prayers of love and healing.
Card Ministry Saintly Stamper: Creates birthday greeting cards for each member of our congregation on their birthdays or in time of need.
Shut-In, Hospital and Nursing Home Visitor: Keeps church members, who are unable to participate in the ongoing life of the church, involved in all church activities and to remind them of our continuing love and support.
Tutor: Helps children in the community within school work.
Archivist: Creates a palpable sense of continuity for commemorations, study and reflection for every family and age group in the church to enjoy.
New Members Class Instructor and Shepherd: Welcomes and orients our new members, prepares new members for our ministries and Lutheranism, and provides assistance.
Special Event/Volunteer Coordinator: Assist Chair with special events and helps coordinates church volunteers, updates contacts and communicates new ministry and program concept to Council.
Worship & Music Ministry
Altar Flowers Volunteer: Provides beauty to enhance worship service.
Altar Guild: Ensures the altars will be ready for church services, our communion will be prepared and our pastor will be assisted during our worship.
Choirmaster Assistant: Assists with organizing musical ministry and clerical needs.
Choir Member & Musician: Enhances worship service with music; expresses our dedication and faith in special services.
Communion Assistant: Allows greater participation by members in the administering of the sacraments; reminds congregation that we all have a sense of communion and oneness as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
Crucifer and Acolyte Coordinator: Enhances worship services and engenders youth participation.
Lector: Reads lessons and makes formal worship service more personal.
Usher: Helps during worships services, enhances worship experience for others and assist new worshipers.
Youth Ministry & Recreation
Celebration/Grief/Fellowship Volunteer: Helps gather the church family together for meals and celebrates and in time of need, as well as, supports special events.
Youth & Recreation Assistant: Helps to nurture our youth in our church to become Christian adults of concern and conscience, support them in spiritual growth and stewardship, and participates in activities.
HCY Dinner Volunteer: Provide dinner for HCY.