Ash Wednesday will involve musical leadership from the church and chamber choirs, as well as the Holy Comforter children’s ensemble. We will gather in the sanctuary 10 minutes prior to the 7:00 pm service on March 5th. The church choir will be seated in the nave, behind the assembly. The chil-dren will be seated together in front of the choir. Any mommies or daddies willing to assist (as monitors), please speak to Greg Cline.
This service of reflection will use selected portions from “Mass for the Life of the World.” Arranged by David Hass, the opening Kyrie is sung by the Cantor using the original Hawaiian text. While the rest of the service may be sung in Spanish, the choirs will lead everyone in English…(you’re welcome!) While the Ash Wednesday service includes much more liturgy and Holy Communion, we will use the “Mass” for our liturgy on Tuesdays during the season of Lent. We bid farewell to Gayla and Dallas Foscue who have now moved to Memphis, Tennessee. Gayla has been a faithful member of the music ministry since 1996, having served multiple roles in the church, chamber, and handbell choirs. Gayla was recently presented with an engraved crystal plate with our expessions of love and appreciation. Members of all the adult musical ensembles wish to extend words of thanks to members of the ladies circles. The choirs were recently treated to a won-derful appreciation dinner. Afterward the choir sang for their supper. Thanks, folks. We did very much feel appreciated...and full! Greg Cline, Music Director