![]() Recently, Greg Cline and I, plus about 325 others, from young children to adults, par-ticipated in Music Week at Lutheridge in Arden, NC. It was a great week! For all participants there were optional activities such as choral groups, handbell classes, drumming, and other musical activities, plus swimming, hiking, crafts, and many of the usual camp activities for children. There was plenty of time for relaxation throughout the week as well. Any child or adult who enjoys music might consider attending during Music Week. Lutheridge offers weekly sessions all summer (only one Music Week, though)! My 4 adult chil-dren and I have spent a total of 40 weeks through the years at camp at Lutheridge! Elizabeth Bruchon
Friday, August 2 Holy Comforter enthusiasts will travel to Lutheridge for a field trip. We will explore the camp, get a personalized tour, and have lunch on the mountain. Departure is at 8:00 am and we will return at 6:00 pm. Pre-registration is required for lunch. $5.00 per par-ticipant.
Lutheridge is “our” closest church camp and is supported by the southeastern synods of the ELCA. Just 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Belmont, Lutheridge provides ministries for all ages year round. If you are available to assist with transportation, contact Greg Cline. Sunday, August 11 at 6:30 pm Worship and Music Ministries will gather for a brain-storming session. This meeting involves Altar Guild Min-istry as well. Make plans to attend and help us plan for the future. Sunday, August 18 ALL musical activities will resume at Holy Comforter. We have had a nice summer break. “O, Come, All Ye Faithful!” (See Calendar!) We have purchased a new music planner pro-gram entitled, “Prelude.” This state-of-the-art system will enable us to digitally catalog our entire worship and music library. This will be a very useful tool to our congregation in the fu-ture. Entering all this information will be time consuming. We would like to form a task force team to assist in this undertaking If you have a laptop computer and a willingness to share some hours of your time, contact Greg Cline. At some point this summer we will do some light renovation to the choir balcony. Every-thing that is not nailed down must be moved to a secure location. We need helpers (angels) when the time comes to do this. Please let Greg Cline know of your potential generosity! |