Many have asked, “When will the bells be ringing again?” We hope before Christmas. While there are no guarantees, the Carillon repair firm has indicated that season as their target date. The bells were not as easily removed as anyone anticipated, some having to be ‘cut away’ from the tower. Let us remember that…”Good things come to those who wait.”
Blessings to all the dedicated musician lead-ers of Holy Comforter who give so unselfishly of their time and talent. Rehearsals continue as we prepare for all upcoming festival services of worship. Sunday, October 6 (World Communion Sunday) will feature the church choir offering “Canticle of the Turn-ing.” This powerful anthem tune will be familiar to many. The Church, Chamber, and Handbell ensembles have already been working on material for Advent through Christmas. Remember that all of our bulletins and audio Services of Worship are now posted on our website: The Children’s Ensemble (Pre-K—Grade 4) continues on Sundays at 4:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Special thanks to all the parents (drivers) who faithfully support this ministry! Activities include more than just singing. The children are introduced to bell ringing, percussion instruments, Bible study topics; even special scavenger hunts in which we learn bits of church history, and the many features of symbolism throughout the church. “Let the children come...and bring a friend!” The church choir will lead our service of worship at Lutheridge on Sunday, October 13. Choir members are asked to gather in Whisnant Chapel at 10:15 am for a brief preparation session. All afternoon musical activities on that date are can-celled. Greg Cline, Organist