The chamber, church, and handbell en-sembles have been diligent in their prepa-rations of the Lenten and Easter season. On Palm Sunday the children’s ensemble will join with the adults as they present the musi-cal offering, Blessed Is He, based on the tri-umphant procession of Jesus into the Holy City.
Maundy Thursday service will reflect songs of the Passion of Christ, as well as the ser-vice of worship on Good Friday. We will literally pull-out-all-the-stops for our festival services on Easter Sunday. As we gather at sunrise, fanfares will announce the Risen Savior from the Tomb. The 10:30 am service will resound with trumpet duets ac-companying the assembly and choir. We will all sing the new composition, Heart and Voice to Heaven Raise. This work displays the glory of the holy Easter morn. Invite your family and friends to all these worship op-portunities. Greg Cline, Organist/Choirmaster
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