Hello All,
All music ministry rehearsals will resume on The Epiphany of Our Lord. So, cham-ber choir, that is Tuesday, January 6 at 7:00 pm, Congratulations, you are the first rehearsal of the New Year. Full schedules for all ensembles are listed on the January calendar. Thanks again to all the choirs of Holy Comforter for your leadership and un-failing dedication to Christ and His Church. All Christian churches through-out the globe struggle with many of the same challenges of meeting weekly per-formance deadlines. With God’s help, guidance, and grace, we are able to ac-complish what we do. Thanks be to Bod! If you missed some of the Advent and Christmas services of worship, tune in to www.holyc.org. Tim Baker records and posts them all under Resources/Audio. The church choir wishes to thank Tom & Shirley Causby for hosting another de-lightful Christmas Dinner Party in their lovely home. Nearly 40 people in attend-ance sing, eat their full, and fellowship together. Carmen Buell gets a round of ap-plause! For over six months, and count-ing, Carmen has single-handedly taken on the task of refiling the choir anthem library. Some of the anthems date back to the earliest days of our church history. Carman is also working on compiling some trivia concerning this library collec-tion. Stay tuned for that, coming soon. Thank you, Saint Carmen! Greg Cline
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