The Holy Comforter Carillon: Many folks have asked why the bell tower has fallen silent. Back in October the entire compass of the keyboard mysteriously stopped functioning. In the past we have been plagued by lightning strikes. The tower acts almost as a lightning rod. At this point we are contacting the technicians in Ohio. Hopefully, the issue can be recti-fied in the not too distant future.
Super Bowl Sunday, February 3 we will try to ac-commodate all our sports fans without canceling our all important rehearsals using the following schedule: 4:00 pm Handbells 5:00 pm Church Choir 6:30 pm Kick-Off The ladies Morning Circle will host a church choir appreciation dinner on Sunday, February 10. On this day we will modify the afternoon adult schedule: 4:00 pm Handbells 5:00 pm Choir Dinner 6:00 pm Choir Practice Handbell Classes will be offered again during Lent. Children in grades 3 and up may register. This class is designed for beginners, and those with limited ringing and music reading experience. Deadline for registration will be Ash Wednesday. We need a mini-mum of 6 participants. Classes will be held in the sanctuary and participants are asked to commit to all 5 sessions at 5:00 pm. See Greg Cline to register! Through a generous donation to the music fund, Holy Comforter Music Ministries is currently offering a 50% scholarship to members who wish to participate in music week at Lutheridge. You must register during the month of February. This is the most popular event of summer camp. Additional scholarships can be ap-plied for through Lutheridge (based on financial need). Children completing grade 1—high school and adults may attend. See Music Week at Lutheridge article in this publication.
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