Our church choir welcomes 4 new members to our music family. All of these folks “officially” joined the congregation in April. Fritz Faust, Bon-nie Faust, and Beth Washle have been a part of the ensemble since January. Jo Irwin attended her first rehearsal in late April. We welcome these singers, who all are such valuable assets to the music program here at Holy Comforter.
Our choirs will continue to lead services of wor-ship during the month of May, and throughout the summer months. Opportunities for vocal and in-strumental solos, duets, and small group ensem-bles abound. Contact Greg Cline if you are willing to share your God given musical talents. God loves a cheerful giver...don’t make us come after you! Our church retreat to Isle of Palms concludes on May 3. Following a fellowship breakfast we gath-er for closing worship before returning home. This is the 26th year for this event. The retreat is open to any member of Holy Comforter. Google: Coastal Retreat Center Isle of Palms, for details. Thanks also to members of our chamber, hand-bell, and children’s ensemble ministries. All of these groups have abundantly shared throughout the year. The children's ensemble ministry has been blessed with parents and guardians who have been supportive not only with transportation needs, but also with coordinating busy family calendars. I personally wish to thank Beth Brittain who has assisted this past year. What a blessing you all are! Greg Cline
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